Newborn Mini Session
what is a newborn mini session?
Its a basically a more compact version of a full newborn shoot. It is a one hour session, your baby will be wrapped for the whole session in the following 4 set ups. I do shoot different angles & close up’s so you will get a variety of images to choose from.
1. Wrapped bed shot
2. Potato Sack
3. Wrapped Bowl/Heart Bowl Shot
4. Lay down side wrapped
How much is a newborn mini session?
In total I do four set ups, baby is wrapped for all the settings. I will shoot different angles, close up’s etc and you will 'view a total of 15 Images to choose from. You can stay with the original amount or upgrades are available.
Digital upgrades are available to add on.
Individual Digital - £35
Upgrade to all Mini - £200
Upgrade to all Mini plus - £250
If you upgrade each digital image purchased comes with a FREE 8x6 of that same image.
Newborn mini sessions can be purchased as vouchers also.
A mini session can be secured with a deposit of £45 and the balance isn’t due till the session date.
If you want the unwrapped baby poses as well you would be better with a full session please have a look here for more details.